
“The Shooting Industry: it’s not just hunts that kill foxes”

A fox trots through a quiet wood. Suddenly a gun blast tears the air. Pheasant alarm calls ring out. The fox runs as birds are shot out of the sky… Those are the opening few seconds of a new 90 second animation we’re about to launch. It’s produced for Protect the Wild by Ben Sinclair […]

Are men with dogs persecuting foxes in east London?

Fox at night

On Boxing Day morning 2022, Karen pulled up in Coldharbour Lane car park, Rainham, overlooking the River Thames. She was visiting hear parents nearby at the time. As she walked through the car park, though, she felt something was off. A white Ford van was also parked up, the person next to it apparently letting […]

BREAKING: Three arrested after fox killed in residential garden

west norfolk terrierman

Norfolk Police has announced that it has arrested three members of the West Norfolk Foxhounds after a fox was brutally murdered by hounds in a family’s garden. Two of the men have been arrested on suspicion of hunting wild mammals with dogs, criminal damage and having a dog dangerously out of control. The third man […]

Footage shows hounds out of control as fox is torn apart in garden

West Norfolk Hounds tear up fox in garden

Week in, week out, news comes in of hunting hounds that are completely out of control. And now a family in Norfolk has shared footage of the moment when the West Norfolk Foxhounds’ dogs ran into their garden, cornered a fox, then tore up the poor creature on the patio. The incident, which took place […]

Northern Ireland: Foxhunting legal but cracking under direct action

While there are laws against hunting with hounds across most of the UK, there is one place where the sport continues legally: Northern Ireland. However, it is also home to an active hunt saboteur group, and they’ve shared good news in recent months. On 29 November 2022, the Hunt Saboteurs Association announced that the Killultagh […]

Avon Vale Hunt laughing as two foxes ‘dug out’ and hunted

Footage purportedly showing terriermen involved in digging out a fox was published by the Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) and ITV News on 8 February. The video shows three men leaning into a freshly dug hole in a field, with one man pulling a terrier out. The video pans around to show hunt masters, staff and […]

Despite conviction fox killer Ollie Finnegan working with Cheshire Hunt

Ollie Finnegan

Huntsman Ollie Finnegan is, perhaps, one of the best examples of criminality in the world of fox hunting. Despite being convicted under the Hunting Act, the Cheshire Hunt continues to employ him to murder foxes. On 4 February 2023, Cheshire Against Blood Sports witnessed the hunt killing a fox, and hunt staff “shoving the fox’s […]

Royal Agricultural University: Sick stunt as fox corpse tied to car roof

Protect the Wild and the Daily Mail don’t often agree on matters concerning wildlife, but their headline on Feb 7th “Outrage after students at Britain’s top agricultural university strap dead fox to the roof of a car for charity rally” just about nails it. As the Mail explained, “Students at a prestigious university dubbed ‘Oxbridge […]

York: Fox fatally injured in illegal snare

The RSPCA is appealing for information following the discovery of a fox caught in a snare in York. And it’s a grim reminder that these “awful” devices are everywhere. A number of news reports said the young fox was discovered in a hedgerow near Rye Walk, in the north-west of the city. Following his discovery, […]

VICTORY: Fife Foxhounds fold after 267 years

Some hunt supporters have said the Fife Foxhounds are planning to fold following the recent passage of Scotland’s new anti-hunting bill. However, the link may not be as direct as it first appears. On 29 January, a person by the name of Leslie Bain posted to Facebook that the “Fife Foxhounds are disbanding”. Bain attributed […]

BREAKING: Shocking footage shows fox mauled by hounds in Kent

Hunt sab holds the body of a fox killed by hounds. Police can be seen in the background.

Video from hunt saboteurs in Kent shows hounds killing a fox. The group that captured the incident says it once again shows the lie of so-called ‘trail hunting’ and the reality of illegal fox hunting. West Kent Hunt Sabs posted an image of a dead fox to Facebook on 14 January. The group said that […]

Hunt supporters throw two murdered foxes into a hunt saboteur’s garden

dead fox left in Weymouth Animal Rights sab's garden

South Dorset Hunt supporters stooped to a new low on 12 January when they threw two murdered foxes into a hunt saboteur’s garden. This is just one of a number of incidents targeting those who monitor this criminal hunt. The saboteur is part of Weymouth Animal Rights (WAR), which consistently monitors the hunt. WAR’s footage […]

Ending Bird Shooting – let’s talk about foxes

How do you persuade an audience that is primarily interested in fighting foxhunting to become as concerned about the bird shooting industry? Oddly enough (and as a lifelong birder I’m writing this through slightly gritted teeth as it were), it’s probably not by talking about birds…   Last year Keep the Ban, which was built […]

Police investigating Essex and Suffolk Hunt after fox bolts from badger sett

essex and suffolk terriermen

Suffolk Police is investigating the Essex and Suffolk Hunt after monitors witnessed members of the hunt trying to force a fox to bolt from a badger sett. The incident happened during the hunt’s Boxing Day meet – the most important day in the hunting calendar. While the hunt master was giving his speech, wildlife monitors […]

What is a bagged fox?

Black and white photo showing a fox running from a man that's just released it from a bag

On 26 August 2022, ITV News published footage showing what appeared to be a ‘bagged fox’. The video showed a group of terriermen associated with the Seavington Hunt pulling a bag from a quad bike before dumping whatever is inside onto the ground. Huntsman Benedict Hood is then seen encouraging a nearby pack of foxhounds, […]

Damning text messages incriminate prominent fox hunter Ollie Finnegan

Ollie Finnegan

On 6 December 2022, Ollie Finnegan pleaded guilty to illegally hunting with dogs after WhatsApp messages, found on his phone, incriminated him. Finnegan was the huntsman for the Quorn Hunt on 7 January 2022. Police seized his phone after receiving reports of the Quorn illegally hunting a fox that day. ITV’s Rupert Evelyn attended court. […]

Fear for pet as foxhounds tear through Cumbrian village

A dogwalker was left shaken and concerned for their pet as a ‘dangerously out of control’ pack of foxhounds ran towards them chasing a fox in the West Cumbrian village of Lamplugh, according to a report in Cumbria’s News and Star. The local resident, who didn’t want to give their name for fear of retribution, […]

Police investigation launched into footage of hunting hounds killing a fox

A rider and terrierman stand with a pack of hunting hounds that have just killed a fox.

Police confirmed they are investigating footage published online that appears to show hounds killing a fox. The incident occurred at Charleton Horethorne, Somerset, during a meet of the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt. Police investigation On 26 November, hunt monitor group Wildlife Crime Action published a video showing hounds huddled together, ragging something on the […]

Hunt master fined after hunting fox on National Trust land

South Shropshire Hunt illegally hunting on Long Myn National Trust

Hunt master fined £600 after failing to call dogs away while illegally fox hunting on National Trust land South Shropshire Hunt master Daniel Cherriman, aged 37, was filmed in November 2021 trespassing and illegally fox hunting on National Trust land in the Long Mynd area of Church Stretton when the hounds he was in charge […]

End fox hunting campaigns

Our work to end fox hunting A Proper Ban on Hunting A Proper Ban on Hunting Learn More Animations Animations Learn More Direct Action Direct Action Learn More Undercover Investigations Undercover Investigations Learn More Major Landowners Major Landowners Learn More

Shocking moment fox cowers on residential roof to escape hunt

melgreak hunt chases fox on to roof

In November 2022 shocking images of a terrified fox cowering on the roof of a house emerged on social media. The poor animal had been trying to escape out-of-control foxhounds belonging to the Melbreak Hunt, who had been illegally hunting (according to eyewitness reports) on National Trust owned-land at Whiteside, east of Loweswater. The Melbreak, […]

Fox Protection Survey

Survation Poll backs greater fox protection… A poll conducted by Survation on behalf of Protect the Wild reveals that 63.6% of those surveyed think foxes should be given greater protection in the UK with 61.7% also agreeing that trail hunting should be permanently banned. 23.2% of respondents said that foxes should not be given greater […]

Why do people still hunt foxes?

Why do people still hunt foxes? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. Fox hunting has been taking place for hundreds of years.  Hunting with hounds, originated in England in […]

Can I feed foxes in my garden?

Can I feed foxes in my garden? There is nothing in law to stop us from feeding foxes, but it does come with a degree of controversy – trying to balance our wish to ‘help’ while also not having an impact on the fox’s natural behaviour. Feeding foxes can alter that natural behaviour. If they […]

Are foxes part of the dog family?

Are foxes part of the dog family? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. Although male foxes are known as dog foxes, they’re not part of the dog family, but […]

Why are foxes important?

Why are foxes important? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. Foxes play a vital role in the ecosystem. They are a key predator and help control populations of their […]

Are foxes dangerous to humans?

Are foxes dangerous to humans? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. Typically, no.  Foxes are not dangerous to humans and do not attack humans.  However, if a fox is […]

Are foxes dangerous to pets?

Are foxes dangerous to pets? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. It really depends on what pet(s) you have. Foxes are predators of course and get hungry like the […]

Why are foxes so loud at night?

Why are foxes so loud at night? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. The noises you hear from foxes at night are just foxes communicating.  Barks and screams are […]

Is the fox population increasing in Britain?

Is the fox population increasing in Britain? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. Sadly, no!  The number of foxes in urban areas is reported to have increased from 33,000 […]

Are foxes vermin?

Are foxes ‘vermin’? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. We’ve all heard and seen the terror stories of the fox – of a vicious predator that attacks our pets […]

Is fox hunting a sport?

Is fox hunting a Sport? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. In June 2022 it was announced that a new body would take over the responsibility of governing hunts […]

Is fox hunting illegal?

Is fox hunting illegal? Is fox hunting illegal? Yes. Since the 2004 Hunting Act was passed it has been illegal to intentionally hunt a wild mammal (notably foxes, hare and deer) with dogs. However, there are a number of exemptions to the ban which hunts often use to get around the legislation and avoid prosecution […]

When does fox hunting season begin?

When does the fox hunting season begin? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. The main fox hunting season usually takes place between the end of October to early April […]

How do I report illegal fox hunting?

How do I report illegal fox hunting? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. If you see something that you think is a crime you should call the police on […]

How do hunts get away with illegal fox hunting?

How do hunts get away with illegalfox hunting? Lamping is a loose term that covers a number of different activities. However, they all take place at night and they all result in the murder of wildlife in the British countryside. People on all sides of the hunting industry recognise that the Hunting Act is a […]

Video evidence shows fox hunting by Royal Artillery Hunt

royal artillery hunt salisbury plain

Video evidence shows fox hunting by Royal Artillery Hunt   This footage was captured by members of Salisbury Plain Monitors on 30 October 2021. It shows a fox running ahead of Charles Carter, huntsman of the Royal Artillery Hunt (RAH), as Carter blows his horn. The fox then turns into a covert of trees and, […]

Fox facts

Facts about the Red Fox Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes At a glance The Red Fox has the largest natural distribution of any land mammal except human beings. The UK population is around 375,000, perhaps one-third are resident in our towns and cities. Thousands are snared every year to protect pheasants and grouse for shooting. One […]

Adopt a fox cub

ADOPT A FOX CUB TODAY Who doesn’t love an adorable fox cub? Sadly, fox hunts don’t. And while we think our cuddly fox cub toy makes a great gift, we just want to let you know that the information fact sheet we will send you may not be suitable for young children. That’s because in […]

Adopt a fox

ADOPT A FOX TODAY It’s 2024 but foxes are still the victims of hunts. Chased from their homes, often having to leave their families and young behind, they flee the pursuing hounds until they are finally too exhausted to run anymore. These beautiful animals are killed for no other reason than for human entertainment. Protect […]

Fox Hunting FAQs

Fox Hunting FAQs Is fox hunting illegal? Is fox hunting illegal? Learn More Why do people still hunt foxes? Why do people still hunt foxes? Learn More What is trail hunting? What is trail hunting? Learn More When does the fox hunting season begin? When does the fox hunting season begin? Learn More How do […]

Fox hunting

Fox Hunting Whether through the articles we write, pressuring major landowners to stop giving ‘trail hunt’ licences to hunts, giving equipment to frontline monitor groups, or exposing hunts through ground-breaking undercover investigations, we are finding as many ways as possible to shut down the hunts still illegally chasing and killing wild foxes. On this page […]

If foxhunting is banned why does it still take place?

If foxhunting is banned why does it still take place? Fox hunting in England and Wales was banned by Parliament when MPs passed the Hunting Act 2004. More precisely, all hunting of wild mammals with dogs was banned – including foxes. The Act came into force on the 18th of February 2005, so hunts were […]

Terrierwork, terriermen, and the grotesque world of fox hunting


Terrierwork, terriermen, and the grotesque world of fox hunting Schedule 1.2 of the Hunting Act (which bans hunting wild animals with hounds) permits the use of “dogs below ground to protect birds for shooting”. It’s sometimes known as the Gamekeeper Exemption. Its wording allows someone to put a terrier in, for example, a fox earth […]

New body to regulate fox hunts just another smokescreen?

new hunting body smokescreen

New body set up to regulate fox hunts – just another smokescreen? On 10 June the Hunting Office made an announcement stating that a new representative body, the British Hounds Sports Association (BHSA), will be responsible for the governance of hunts and hunting. A separate regulatory body is being set up, called the Hound Sports […]

Glyndwyr university team will conduct independent review into fox hunting

Police across the UK are renowned for allowing illegal fox and stag hunting to take place. It’s common knowledge to hunt saboteurs that the police ignore the hunting that goes on under their noses, instead turning their attention towards the activists on the ground who are trying save foxes. There’s countless footage all over the […]

GRAPHIC IMAGES: Stink Pits – as disgusting as they sound

stink pits as disgusting as they sound

Anyone who comes across one of the shooting industry’s ‘hidden secrets’ will know immediately how stink pits got their name. Also known as middens, stink pits are ‘built’ by gamekeepers on shooting estates. They are pits or piles of dumped rotting mammal and bird carcasses which literally ‘stink’ and are used as bait to lure […]

Another badger dies after being caught in snare

Oakey the badger died from snare wounds. Image via Mid Derbyshire Badger group

Yet another badger has died after becoming trapped in a snare. This needless death is a reminder that whatever the result of the election on 4 July, the new government MUST make all snares illegal. The badger was found in a garden in Belper, Derbyshire, on 10 June, having struggled a short distance from where […]

Glue Traps and the Law

Glue Traps and the Law Glue traps, sometimes referred to as sticky boards or glue boards, are used to trap mice or rats. Non-drying glue is placed on a board and as animals walk across them they are trapped and unable to escape, their fur or limbs becoming increasingly stuck to the glue as they try […]

CONVICTED! Terrierman guilty after terrorising monitors on quad bike

Robert Cundy

Robert Cundy (pictured above), terrierman for the Essex and Suffolk Hunt, pleaded guilty on 14 June to breaking a Community Protection Notice (CPN). A CPN can be issued by a court as punishment for persistent antisocial behaviour. Suffolk Action for Wildlife (SAF) consistently monitors the hunt. Protect the Wild chatted to SAF’s Anna about the […]

Hunting lobbyists desperately claims “we will not give up” as hunting ban looms

The British Hound Sports Association (BHSA), the hunting industry’s cheerleader and supposed regulatory body, has cried “WE WILL NOT GIVE UP” in a last desperate bid to save hunting. Labour is set to win the next election, and has stated in its manifesto that if elected it will ban trail hunting. It is common knowledge […]