Survey on Fox Protection:

Survation Poll backs greater fox protection...

A poll conducted by Survation on behalf of Protect the Wild reveals that 63.6% of those surveyed think foxes should be given greater protection in the UK.

The question was posed by anti-hunting organisation Protect the Wild in a survey about trail hunting, but Question 3 of the survey asked about better protection for foxes.

Foxes have very little protection under UK-wide legislation (see ‘Foxes and the Law’) and the survey revealed that a large majority of respondents believe foxes should be given greater protection in the UK.

While almost 2/3rds of respondents believed foxes should indeed be given better legal protection, 23.2% of respondents said that they should not. This perhaps reflects the frequent scare stories in the media and a narratve put about by hunts that foxes need ‘controlling’ (though the specific questions drilling down into the response weren’t asked).

Protect the Wild will continue to campaign and advocate for legislative change to ensure foxes (and all British wildlife) are given the protection they need. Please see our Proper Ban on Hunting page for more details and our petition to enforce a proper ban.