
End Badger Persecution

With their stripey faces, twinkling eyes, and starring roles in many children’s books and films, badgers are one of the most beloved of British mammals – but also one of the most persecuted. 

The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 makes it an offence to wilfully kill, injure, cruelly ill-treat, or take a badger (or to disturb an active sett), but badgers are still suffering at the hands of badger baiters, hunt terriermen, the shooting industry, and badger cull contractors.

Protect the Wild is working hard to tackle badger persecution.

Badger Facts

Badger Facts

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Badgers and the Law

Badgers and the Law

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The Badger Cull

The Badger Cull

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Badger Baiting

Badger Baiting

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Sign our cull petition

Sign our cull petition

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Adopt a Badger

Adopt a Badger

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