Protecting the Wild Equipment Fund

The Protecting the Wild Equipment Fund was set up in summer 2023 to help put ‘eyes in the field‘, empowering people to protect British wildlife and stop hunting, tackle bird shooting, and halt the badger cull.

We know that many groups or individuals who monitor or patrol are volunteers. They often have to buy the kit they need in the field themselves. We want to help make things a little easier by donating that equipment to them.

That might include trail- or body-cameras, radios,  night-vision optics, or perhaps hi-viz clothing. We will usually cover the cost of batteries (rechargeable preferably) and SD cards as a ‘bundle’ if the equipment won’t run without them!

We aim to make the application process as simple as possible. All we need a group to do is to read and agree to the terms and conditions below and fill out the application form.

Before we agree to funding (and before a group goes ahead and buys anything!) we would like to talk to a spokesperson for the group over the phone.

  • That way we can make sure that you are who you say you are.
  • We will have a contact number for you.
  • We can check that you understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions set out below.
  • We can find out exactly what you need.
  • And – if eligible for equipment – we can agree the item/s we will fund and explain how we will get them to you as quickly as possible.
NB: We will NEVER pass on or share confidential information, names, or email addresses without your permission.
The equipment fund is managed by Protect the Wild and coordinated by Charlie Moores. 

We want to empower groups to protect wildlife, but of course we do reserve the right to turn down applications.

Like to contribute to the Equipment Fund as a donor?

Funds come from our supporters so the equipment we provide comes with a small number of conditions to make sure we are being as responsible with funding as possible:

  1. Unless specifically agreed beforehand the maximum cost of equipment we will fund is now £750. (This amount refers to a single item or multiple items combined and we will look for the best price available to stretch that as much as we can.)
  2. Only one grant can be made per individual or per group/organisation per funding round. In other words, we will not provide multiple pieces of equipment to different members of the same group. Groups are welcome to come back to us every season though.
  3. Equipment we fund must specifically be used in the field to protect wildlife and for no other reason (unfortunately we don’t have the funding to cover items you might use at events or might buy/sell to raise funds).
  4. By accepting any equipment from us we ask that you guarantee that it will be used legally, and if the equipment is used illegally in any way you will accept all responsibility for any claims or actions that might result.
  5. You are also asked to guarantee that equipment we fund will be used as per manufacturer instructions and accept that we are not responsible in any way for any misuse by you or by anyone you might lend the equipment to (this does not affect a manufacturer’s responsibilites to ensure all products they provide for sale are tested and safe).
  6. The equipment is yours, so you are responsible for any insurance you might need and for any repairs that may be necessary.
  • Finally, because this funding is coming from our supporters we want to be able to show them how it is being used. So we are asking you to help us ‘pay forward’ and commit to writing a guest post for us explaining how you have used/plan to use the equipment or send us some video footage. (Charlie will walk you through the various options, but we know you’re busy so we’ll make everything as simple as possible). Remember we will always promote your work right across our social media platforms as well!

Please note that we will not typically offer or provide cash instead. In some instances we may be able to source used equipment that will do exactly the same job as new: this will help spread our funds as far as possible.

* We recognise and understand the importance of confidentiality. We guarantee we will never pass on your name or any other details *

Let us know what you need