Protect the Wild has launched a new short animation slamming illegal stag hunting and featuring the voice of broadcaster, wildlife campaigner and full-time NHS GP Dr Amir Khan.
In our animation Dr Khan explains how deer hunts can last up to six hours and are ‘exempt’ under the Hunting Act 2004 because hunts claim they are undertaking ‘observation and research’. No hunt ever backs these ridiculous assertions up with peer-reviewed reports or ever submits data to relevant scientific bodies.
The 60-second film is part of our campaign for a ‘Proper Ban on Hunting’ which aims to pass new legislation into law, The Hunting of Mammals Bill, which will end fox, hare and deer hunting for good. It comes just a week after harrowing footage emerged from hunt sabs which showed a stag that had been chased to the point of exhaustion by the notorious Quantock Staghounds.
This form of wild animal torture takes place week in, week out for months – every year! It has to be stopped.
It’s time for a proper ban on hunting
It has been almost two decades since the passing of the Hunting Act 2004, banning the hunting of wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales.
But hunts like the Quantock Staghounds continue to operate, creating havoc and breaking the law by chasing and killing wild mammals under the guise of ‘trail hunting’ or using loopholes and exemptions in the Hunting Act to evade prosecution.
Until all mammal hunting is made unlawful and more effective legislation is in place, hunts will continue chasing and killing wildlife for many years to come.
We need to do more than allow hunts to continue in a slightly different form – we need to get rid of them altogether.
Every signature counts!
The animation, made by Ben Sinclair of Fire Lily Studios, is backed up by a petition aimed at Defra and Defra minister Therese Coffey.
Signed by over 5,000 proper ban supporters within 24 hours of its launch, the petition has a clear message: we the public demand a Proper Ban on Hunting.
Every signature really does count! Together we can end hunting for good.
Please sign our petition at A Proper Ban on Hunting’. Thank you. (And if you haven’t yet signed, please also have a look at our petition which is demanding that the Ministry of Defence ban so-called ‘trail hunting’ on MoD land – please go to ‘End Hunting on MoD land‘).