Two men from the Portman Hunt have been convicted under Section 1 of the Hunting Act. They were found guilty on 20 September, despite insisting that it is normal to lay a scent trail through barbed wire!
The Portman Hunt’s Tom Lyle, who is huntsman and master, and Marcus Boundy, who is whipper-in, were filmed by North Dorset Sabs’ drone on 15 September 2022 as hounds chased a fox. They were charged along with notorious hunter Mark Pearson. But the CPS dropped charges against Pearson on the first day of the trial.
Lyle insisted to the court that the hunt was legally trail hunting – that is, following a pre-laid scent trail. The BBC reported:
“He said it was normal for a trail to be laid through barbed wire.”
This is an incredible statement, given that riders on horseback would be following said trail! The footage then shows the hounds running into a covert – which would also be difficult for riders if it was a genuine trail.
The BBC reported that Boundy, meanwhile,
“said he was happy to see them massing at the fence.”

Poor defence from the hunt’s lawyer
Defence barrister Stephen Welford said that the two men had been unaware of the fox. But magistrates said that it was
“inconceivable that Mr Boundy did not see or hear the hounds in pursuit”.
Hunters who are finding themselves in the dock might want to reconsider being represented by go-to barrister Welford, who seems to have form for giving poor advice.
Welford was recently representing criminal hunter Ollie Finnegan – ex-huntsman of the Cheshire Hunt – who must be setting records for hunting convictions. Finnegan was granted a retrial after being convicted of illegal hunting in 2023, but was found guilty yet again in August 2024.
A month earlier, more of Welford’s clients received guilty verdicts when West Norfolk Foxhounds’ huntsman Edward “Mikey” Bell and whipper-in Andrew Egginton were convicted of two counts each of offences under Section 1 of the Hunting Act which says that “A person commits an offence if he hunts a wild mammal with a dog unless the hunting is exempt.”

Labour needs to pay attention
Lyle and Boundy were fined a grand total of £2470. Punishments like these are hardly enough of a deterrent to prevent men, driven by bloodlust and with support from the hunting industry, from re-offending. We need a PROPER ban on hunting urgently, because fines alone are not doing anything to stop hunters from exploiting the Hunting Act and the exemptions and loopholes written into it as it went through Parliament.
Labour is, hopefully, paying attention to convictions like these. They must act. Protect the Wild urges the government to implement our Hunting of Mammals Bill – new legislation that would stop hunting with dogs in its tracks forever.
- You can read more about the proposed Bill here.
- This latest conviction wouldn’t have been possible without evidence and footage submitted by North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs. Please support the group by donating here.
Featured screenshot image via North Dorset Sabs.