Protect the Wild has some exciting news! A number of businesses – and a council – have listened to calls to from the public and have made the decision not to host hunts.
Public opinion matters. When we tell companies, landowners and councils what we think about their support of hunting, we can have a real impact. And by actively choosing to spend our money elsewhere, our actions can have great power.
Knepp Estate
First of all, Knepp – the famous Sussex rewilding project – quietly amended its trail hunting policy a few days after we delved into the estate’s historical ties with fox hunting. Run by estate owner Charlie Burrell and his wife Isabella Tree, Knepp’s 3,500-acre rewilding project has been known to regularly host the Crawley and Horsham Hunt’s opening meet. Until now, that is.
The estate’s new trail hunting policy states:
“Our terrain, particularly in the Southern Block, is now hazardous for galloping horses and presents potential dangers to the public on the footpaths should our free-roaming animals hiding up in dense cover get spooked. We have therefore decided to suspend access to the Crawley & Horsham Hunt in the name of public safety.”
With a family history of allegiance to the Crawley and Horsham, Burrell doesn’t recognise any of the hunt’s reckless and criminal activities. Indeed, the estate continues to stay loyal to the hunt – as it has for many generations – gushing about its apparent “exemplary leadership”. But the end result is the same: the famous rewilding project will no longer host the hunt.
Simon Wild of West Sussex Hunt Saboteurs told Protect the Wild:
“Knepp used to be the Crawley and Horsham Hunt’s fiefdom, but with the success of the rewildling, the reputation of the estate has been damaged by the hunt. Not only have foxes been hunted, but I have found myself running for my life from the stampeding cattle that the hounds have set off.”
Of course, Knepp’s decision will have been influenced by an outraged public, and by footage of wildlife chases, captured by West Sussex Sabs and others. We should all celebrate this as a massive victory for foxes and other wildlife.
Greene King
Next up, the famous pub and brewing company Greene King caused an embarrassment for the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) when it prevented hunters from using one of its venues – just ONE DAY before the event was due to take place. Held at venues all across the country, the BHSA’s National Trail Hunting Day was the hunting industry’s grand PR stunt – an attempt to influence politicians, journalists, the police and the public. The stunt failed miserably. Lancashire’s big day should have been hosted by the Molcombe Harriers at The Moorings pub.
Manchester Hunt Saboteurs announced on their Facebook page:
“After being alerted yesterday to the use of their venue as part of the BHSA’s smokescreen Saturday, Greene King have made the smart and moral decision to remove access to the Holcombe Harriers, Holme & Colne Valley Beagles and whichever other bands of miscreants were planning on meeting there.
Greene King state they were not made aware the event planned was linked to trail hunting, a point clearly left out when booking deliberately because the BHSA know how badly tainted they are – and it’s clear that big businesses such as Greene King see through the smokescreen and recognise trail hunting for what it is – a cover up and a lie.”
Wymondham council
“Times have changed, the town has changed, it’s a tradition that’s had its day, and we should not be supporting this.”
“What’s great about the decision is that it shows the council not only sees how intentionally harmful to wildlife the Dunston Harriers can be, but how the hunt is dangerous to animals as a result of recklessness as well. This is true of every hunt across the country. To be honest, the Dunston Harriers are barely a hunt these days, and we hope this signals the beginning of the end for it.”
Uffington White Horse Show
Finally, this summer saw a number of country shows hosting hunts in the name of “tradition”. But the Uffington White Horse Show listened to public opinion and banned the Old Berks Hunt, which had, apparently been parading at the event for more than 30 years.
One hunt supporter expressed her disgust, moaning:
“The Uffington White Horse Show have decided not to have the Old Berks Hunt parade at this year’s show. They have no time or regard for our long held traditions. Trail hunting is now as popular as ever with many young riders enjoying the wonderful experience of riding to hounds. Long may it continue and prove to the woke brigade that they are setting themselves up for a fall.”
It is unclear how those of us with a moral conscience, standing up for foxes, are setting ourselves up for a fall.
West Cornwall Hunt Saboteurs, meanwhile, celebrated the decision, pointing out that the majority of the UK’s countryside doesn’t support hunting. The sabs said:
“Well done show committee, who obviously no longer want to be associated with the anti social thugs.”
Protect the Wild urges other country shows to follow Uffington’s example and ban hunts across the country in 2025. For 20 years, hunts have broken the law, torn up wildlife, and acted with impunity. But the tide is turning, police are beginning to take action, and more hunt staff are finding themselves in court. In order to be on the right side of history, country shows need to take a stand against these criminal gangs.
Port Eliot Estate
On top of all this, there’s rumours that the Port Eliot estate has also withdrawn its support for hunting. On 16 September, Kernow Sabs, Monitors and Animal Rights Team claimed:
“𝗕𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 – We’ve had a message to say that Port Eliot Estate have stopped all equestrian events which were in aid of the East Cornwall hunt.
We don’t know if Smokescreen Saturday swayed them or the blatant illegal hunting shown on Bodmin Moor, or if it was just something else to do with the people involved, but good to hear whatever the reason.”

Support for the blood business of hunting is falling away
Thankfully businesses, landowners and councils are finally listening to the evidence – and to local residents. They’ve realised that hunting is outdated and needs to be consigned to the past once and for all.
- There are, however, hundreds of other companies and landowners which still support hunting with hounds and the shooting of birds and mammals. Our recently launched website is rapidly building a database of venues, retailers, and services so we can all make informed choices about our spending.