

On this page we will be showcasing three separate investigations

Moscar’s wildlife crime and cruelty on National Trust land

In spring 2020, Moscar’s gamekeepers were investigated by the RSCPA after using a fatally wounded call bird in a Larsen trap, trapping hypothermic fox cubs and setting traps on badger setts – on land owned by the National Trust and Peak District National Park! The RSPCA ordered the removal of the illegal and unauthorised traps.

Moscar’s lockdown badger snaring

During the 2020 coronavirus lockdown, HIT received reports of badger persecution by Moscar gamekeepers in the Rivelin Valley near Sheffield. Snares were found set on active badger runs and within days a young female badger was caught.

The wounded badger was rescued from the snare but gamekeepers continue targeting wildlife in the area, which borders Sheffield Wildlife Trust’s Wyming Brook Nature Reserve.

HIT’s 2017 investigation

In spring 2017, HIT published a groundbreaking investigation into the full scale of Moscar’s wildlife persecution. Shocking scenes of an industrial system of wildlife eradication were documented.

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a fox cub

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