
2022 Badger cull expose

Badger Cull 2022 Investigation This shocking footage exposes the badger cull for the sham that it is. A cruel, costly and ineffective mass slaughter of tens of thousands of badgers and for what? Dead badgers tipped into an open-air skip, operators with no regard for potential biohazards, unbagged gutted carcasses left inside a van, reckless […]

Badger Setts

Badger Setts At a glance Badgers live in social groups in a semi-discrete geographical area termed a territory. Within that territory they live underground in a sett. Badger setts consists of a network of tunnels with numerous entrances dug into the soil. Disturbing a badger sett is a crime. Badgers live underground in a sett. […]

Badger Baiting

Badger Baiting At a glance Badger baiting is a cruel and secretive bloodsport which, although illegal, is prolific in Britain. Badger baiting usually takes place in the winter months, between November and March when sows are pregnant. Across the UK, hundreds of men (typically connected with hunts and known as terriermen) travel to badger setts […]

Badger Cull

The Badger Cull The government-sanctioned slaughter of a protected species Protect the Wild is totally opposed to the badger ‘cull’. Since it began as a ‘trial’ in 2013, badgers have been killed in huge numbers to protect the dairy industry from bovine TB – a disease of cattle. The government’s kill strategy is a failure […]

Grafton badger cull investigation dismissed as ‘trespass’

Life Peer Lord Benyon responds to question about Grafton Pet Crematorium investigation raised in House of Lords by Natalie, Lady Bennett. In early October Protect the Wild posted undercover footage taken by investigators over a three-week period at Grafton Pet Crematorium in Northamptonshire. The material we uploaded showed badger cull operators working at the crematorium. […]

Investigators expose reality of the badger cull

In their own words: investigators expose the reality of the badger cull In October 2022, badger cull investigators sent Protect the Wild video and photographs taken using hidden and handheld cameras at what is described by its owner – Mick Wills, a former huntmaster of the Grafton Hunt – as a pet crematorium. The undercover […]

Badger facts

The Badger Scientific name: Meles meles At a glance Badgers are the UK’s largest remaining terrestrial mammalian predator. Despite being outlawed in 1835 badger baiting still takes place illegally across the UK Since 2013 around 260,000 badgers have been killed in an attempt to control Bovine TB – a disease of cattle. Everyone knows what […]

Badger cull horror exposed

BADGER CULLHORROR EXPOSED HITStatement 2018 Covert cameras placed by the Hunt Investigation Team on vulnerable, unprotected badger setts in the Cumbria cull zone revealed for the first time the true horror of the badger cull. HIT’s team has protected  badgers in multiple cull zones for many years. In 2018 hidden cameras were placed in order […]

Adopt a badger

ADOPT A BADGER TODAY Although one of the UK’s most recognisable species and fully protected in law, the badger is under threat. As many as 250,000 badgers have already been killed in the government’s unwarranted BovineTB control cull.  Many more are killed in road accidents and their setts destroyed by developers and on shooting estates. […]

Badger Persecution

End Badger Persecution With their stripey faces, twinkling eyes, and starring roles in many children’s books and films, badgers are one of the most beloved of British mammals – but also one of the most persecuted.  The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 makes it an offence to wilfully kill, injure, cruelly ill-treat, or take a badger […]

Charities warn badger cull could lead to local extinctions

Charities fear badger cull could lead to local extinction. Charities have warned that going ahead with the badger cull again this year could place badgers at risk of “local extinction” in parts of England and have called for a suspension of the programme.   The Badger Trust is leading a call to immediately suspend the […]

Speaking up for badgers at the Court of Appeal

speaking up for badgers outside court of appeal

Speaking up for badgers at the Court of Appeal On July 21st I posted a podcast (Badger Culls, Biodiversity, Birds, and the High Court) with ecologists Tom Langton and Dominic Woodfield which looked at the background to a challenge they were taking to the Court of Appeal on July 26th (yesterday). The conversation was complex […]

GRAPHIC IMAGES: Stink Pits – as disgusting as they sound

stink pits as disgusting as they sound

Anyone who comes across one of the shooting industry’s ‘hidden secrets’ will know immediately how stink pits got their name. Also known as middens, stink pits are ‘built’ by gamekeepers on shooting estates. They are pits or piles of dumped rotting mammal and bird carcasses which literally ‘stink’ and are used as bait to lure […]

Labour: cull ‘ineffective’ but will continue anyway?

Labour Party says badger cull ineffective

The Labour party has been vocal in its criticism of the badger cull, and previously pledged to end it if elected. Its manifesto stated that the party would “end the ineffective badger cull”. But is Labour going back on its promise? Shadow Defra Secretary Steve Reed spoke on BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today on Wednesday […]

#RsetsoreNatureNow march – 60000 of us heading in the same direction

Restore Nature Now March London June 2024

On Saturday 22 June, 60,000 activists walked through London. All ages, all backgrounds, an almost unimaginably broad range of interests and concerns. Even a few years ago we might have seemed disparate, unconnected with each other, but for a glorious, precious few hours we united behind two simple messages: 1) our world is dying, we […]

Trees and the Law

Trees and the Law Trees provide crucial habitat for much of the UK’s wildlife. Birds nest in holes and in their canopies, small mammals live safe in their root systems, bats roost (often in huge numbers) in their trunks. Woodland is of course composed of a full range of plants including trees and shrubs, climbers, […]

Glue Traps and the Law

Glue Traps and the Law Glue traps, sometimes referred to as sticky boards or glue boards, are used to trap mice or rats. Non-drying glue is placed on a board and as animals walk across them they are trapped and unable to escape, their fur or limbs becoming increasingly stuck to the glue as they try […]

CONVICTED! Terrierman guilty after terrorising monitors on quad bike

Robert Cundy

Robert Cundy (pictured above), terrierman for the Essex and Suffolk Hunt, pleaded guilty on 14 June to breaking a Community Protection Notice (CPN). A CPN can be issued by a court as punishment for persistent antisocial behaviour. Suffolk Action for Wildlife (SAF) consistently monitors the hunt. Protect the Wild chatted to SAF’s Anna about the […]

Hunting lobbyists desperately claims “we will not give up” as hunting ban looms

The British Hound Sports Association (BHSA), the hunting industry’s cheerleader and supposed regulatory body, has cried “WE WILL NOT GIVE UP” in a last desperate bid to save hunting. Labour is set to win the next election, and has stated in its manifesto that if elected it will ban trail hunting. It is common knowledge […]

Will our vote make a difference for wildlife? Yes.

The General Election will take place on 4 July. Over the years, the Tories have effectively declared war on Britain’s wildlife. But are the other parties any better? Protect the Wild takes a look at their manifestos, and whether they pledge to defend animals. The latest polls give Labour a clear lead, with the Conservatives […]

Labour Party manifesto and the Cull: the key word is ‘ineffective’

Labour Party says badger cull ineffective

The party manifestos are now out. There isn’t really a great deal for us pro-wildlife folk to get excited about, but we are intrigued by a few short lines referring to the badger cull in the Labour Manifesto—specifically the inclusion of the word “ineffective.” That’s because we think, as campaigners against the badger cull, we […]

The Secret Monitor: Endsleigh Shoot, Devon

The Secret Monitor

Damaging stories from inside hunting, shooting, and the badger cull have been circulating for years. Everything from breaking the law to assaults or harassment of monitors and the public while a police force seems happy to ‘look the other way’. But there is always someone watching, always someone listening. The Secret Monitor. In this post […]

Rishi Sunak: it’s time to go!

Ahead of a worsening economic outlook and with his personal popularity at a historic low, on May 22nd Rishi Sunak decided ‘enough was enough’ and called a General Election. It was certainly about time. Even without his self-sabotaging gaffes this week – including of course his spectacular lack of respect for the thousands who died […]

The General Election 2024

The General Election 2024 Vote for the wild General elections are crucial for wildlife, the environment, and the climate. And that ultimately means for us, too! How the government decides to support wildlife, its spending plans and its priorities, the legislation it passes or repeals, has a huge impact on everything we love and hold […]

Another hunter sentenced for animal cruelty, but escapes prison

Greg Baker, former huntsman of the Llandeilo Farmers Hunt, has been found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. Five horses and one hound suffered from severe abuse under his care. The Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) and South Wales Hunt Saboteurs stated that the RSPCA had raided Baker’s property, and found that the horses were: […]

Animal abuser King Charles becomes new patron of the RSPCA

The RSPCA is “immensely honoured” that King Charles has become its new patron. Protect the Wild argues that this man, who abuses animals, should never have such a role in an animal welfare charity. This article explores Charles’ bloodlust for killing mammals and birds, and details how his vast estates are shooting playgrounds. The RSPCA […]

The Gentleman’s Vinnie Jones: it’s all an act for this keen shooter

Netflix’s The Gentlemen is currently ranking in the streaming service’s Top 10 most-watched TV shows. Footballer-turned-actor Vinnie Jones has a starring role as an animal-loving gamekeeper of a wealthy 15,000 acre estate. But in real life, Jones is infamous for killing wildlife. Crows, pigeons, rabbits, foxes, boar: you name them, Jones has shot them all. And he’s bragged about it too.

Labour PCC victories give some hope to wildlife

PCC results 2024

Labour has made significant gains in the 2024 England and Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections. This could be very positive news for animals – because PCCs have significant influence over whether wildlife crime is taken seriously by local police forces. Labour gained 9 new seats, while Conservative lost 11. A PCC’s role is […]

Yet another raptor killed in Peak District National Park

Shot Peregrine Peak District April 2024

Derbyshire Police are working with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) after an adult female Peregrine Falcon was discovered shot in the Peak District at Hey Clough off the A628 Woodhead Pass, near Crowden, on Saturday, April 4. Like all birds of prey, peregrines are fully protected by law (see our page […]

Tory MP Ben Wallace joins British Hound Sports Association board

As the general election approaches, the Tories continue to remind us why they’re not fit for government. News that MP and ex-Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has joined the British Hound Sports Association board is yet another indication that this party needs to be ousted. Of course, anti-hunting campaigners have always known that Wallace is pro-hunting. […]

VICTORY! Wild Justice proves that trigger-happy Tories acted unlawfully

Campaign group Wild Justice has announced the fantastic news that it has won a legal challenge against the government. The group took action after it found out that Defra had approved gamebird licences that Wild Justice knew were unlawful. Land owners who want to release pheasants and partridges near a Special Protected Area (SPA) must […]

Protesters descend on fox hunting supporter Jeremy Clarkson

TV ‘personality’ and farmer Jeremy Clarkson has never hidden his contempt for Britain’s wildlife. After letting one of England’s most criminal hunts chase foxes and block badger setts on his land, protesters paid a visit to his company. Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs, Gloucestershire Badger Office, Cotswold Hunt Sabs, Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch, Gloucestershire Badger Group […]

VOTE May 2: Elections for Police and Crime Commissioners

Elections for England and Wales’ Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) take place on 2 May. Whoever gets in could have a major impact on wildlife. Whether we vote for our preferred candidate or vote tactically, it is essential that we all get out to vote. While the turnout for the PCC election is not as low […]

Sadist incriminates himself filming his dog killing deer

deer coursing

Yet another man has been prosecuted after encouraging his dog to torture and kill a wild animal, filming the whole sick event, and posting it on social media. 28-year-old Sampson Richards, from Penryn, Cornwall, pleaded guilty on 21 March to attempting to take, kill or injure a deer without lawful authority – an offence under […]

Hunt monitors urge us to complain about Horse & Hound magazine

Hunt monitors are asking people to complain about Horse & Hound’s recent cover story, which misleads its readers about the criminal Wynnstay Hunt. The ‘struggling hunt propaganda‘ publication’s feature article, written by Oliver Townend (whose website says he is the World Number One Event Rider and stresses the importance of his sponsors), waxes poetic about […]

Fox thrown to hounds – another Avon Vale Hunt member sentenced

Thomas Ledbury convicted terrierman Avon Vale Hunt

A terrierman who was working for the now disbanded Avon Vale Hunt when he ‘supervised’ a live fox being thrown to a pack of hounds in December 2020 has been sentenced. 38-year-old Thomas Ledbury pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting another to commit the offence of causing unnecessary suffering to a fox. Ledbury, who lives […]

Labour Party Stop the Cull Petition

Badger Culling: Labour Party – keep your promise and Stop the Cull 17110 people have taken action so far. Help us reach 20000 First name Last name Email Phone Subject Letter Dear Shadow DEFRA Minister (Steve Reed), I am writing to you regarding the ongoing badger cull in England. As the Shadow Defra Minister you […]

South Durham Hunt: yet another hunt recorded breaking the law

Illegal fox hunting and North East Hunt Monitors

The evidence that hunts don’t just break the law occasionally but break it routinely has never been seen by so many people. From Channel 4 exposes to numerous Facebook pages managed by monitors and sabs, the lie that fox hunts are just ‘out trail hunting’ has been exposed over and over again this so-called ‘hunting […]

The Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill

Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Act The Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill was passed into law in March 2024. The Act was introduced primarily to address raptor persecution and ensure that the management of grouse moors and related activities “are undertaken in an environmentally sustainable and welfare conscious manner”. The Bill implements the recommendations […]

Industrial scale of pheasant shooting revealed

Two pheasants flying

The industrial scale of rearing pheasants for the shooting industry has been uncovered by Who Owns England’s Guy Shrubsole in a series of FOI requests on the poultry registry made to APHA (the Animal and Plant Health Agency). Every year the shooting industry releases around 40 million Common Pheasants and 10 million Red-legged Partridges for […]

Man jailed after setting dogs on fox in garage

30-year-old Dane Crawford has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for animal cruelty. He trapped a fox in his garage and set his pet dogs on the poor animal. His girlfriend, 23-year-old Shelby Wallis, was also sentenced under the Animal Welfare Act. The pair, who live together in Lancaster, previously pleaded guilty to four […]

Royal Agricultural College: killing hares and ambushing wildlife protectors

Hunt saboteurs have stated that they have been ambushed and chased by thugs associated with the Royal Agricultural College (RAC) Beagles. The pack belongs to the Royal Agricultural University, where students are trained – through hunting hares – to become prominent names in the fox hunting industry after they graduate. On 3 February, three members […]

The Secret Monitor: East Yorkshire’s Holderness Hunt

The Secret Monitor

Damaging stories from inside hunting, shooting, and the badger cull have been circulating for years. Everything from breaking the law to assaults or harassment of monitors and the public but a police force seemingly happy to ‘look the other way’. But there is always someone watching, always someone listening. The Secret Monitor. In this post […]

Hunting: A Case for Change

Hunting: A Case for Change A comprehensive analysis of hunting and its impact on wildlife and people An extensive research project into the observations and findings of hunt saboteur and monitor groups during the 2022/2023 hunting season.   Executive Summary: “Hunting: A Case for Change” sheds light on the extensive observations and findings of hunt […]

Protecting the Wild Support Network

Fighting cruelty? We’ve got your back. The Protecting the Wild Support Network is a key part of our policy aim of ‘empowering people to protect British wildlife’. Our Support Network offers groups working to protect wildlife an unprecedented level of support and provides otherwise unfunded and unsupported volunteers like hunt monitors and badger volunteers with hardware […]

Homepage 2024

We empower people to protect British wildlife About Us Facebook Tiktok Youtube Instagram Linkedin-in Icon-Threads Icon-Substack Icon-X What we do We Campaign We Campaign Learn More We Inform We Inform Learn More We Support We Support Learn More News Read our latest articles and blogs News and Opinion June 19, 2024 CONVICTED! Terrierman guilty after […]

Protecting the Wild Equipment Fund #17: Cotswold Hunt Sabs

As we wrote recently we reached a major milestone earlier this month: 500 paid subscribers here on Substack. Just a few weeks later that post is already very out of date! That figure is now actually nearing 600, which is fantastic news for wildlife up and down the UK because Protect the Wild takes absolutely […]

The hypocrisy of the XL Bully ban

Since 31 December 2023, it has been illegal in the UK to own, breed, abandon or give away an American Bully XL dog. The dogs must now be kept on a lead and muzzled in public. According to Bully Watch, the dog has caused 11 known human deaths, and three suspected deaths since 2021. The […]

Doug Maw vs the Duke of Norfolk’s ‘predator control’

On 24 January, a judge at Lewes Crown Court in West Sussex found anti-snare campaigner, animal rescuer, and hunt sab Doug Maw not guilty on all nine charges brought against him by Edward Fitzalan-Howard, the 18th Duke of Norfolk. The charges had included trap damage (ie criminal damage) and snare theft on the Duke’s huge […]

Dorset men jailed for mutilating wild animals

Cooper brothers guilty of animal cruelty

Two men have been imprisoned for torturing animals in Dorset. Kristen Cooper, 24, and Todd Cooper, 29, both from Hampshire, were sentenced at Southampton Crown Court on 19 January. Dorset Police investigated the two men, with assistance from their Hampshire colleagues. Police searched Kristen Cooper’s home in October 2022, seized his phone, and found incriminating […]