Protecting the Wild Equipment Fund #13: Radios for Roaming Sabs

The Protecting the Wild Equipment Fund was set up in Summer 2023 to help put ‘eyes in the field‘ and ‘eyes in the sky’, supporting and empowering people to protect British wildlife. We use the fund to provide equipment like body cams, trail cams, night vision kit, and video cameras to monitors and activists working on the front line.

Just last month we posted Part One of a remarkable story written by a member of the Roaming Sabs, ‘Roaming to Ukraine: from the frontline against illegal hunting to the frontline of an illegal war‘. Apart from demonstrating the utter decency of monitors and sabs, and a determination to always help no matter what, the post showed the value of working together and supporting each other.


A Roaming Sab in a field
The Roaming Sabs, based in Greater Manchester, take their name from the fact that they move around offering their support to other groups where and when they are needed. As posts on social media explain, the Roaming Sabs often work alongside Cheshire Against Blood Sports Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs, and the Cheshire Indies (a group Protect the Wild was proud to supply with a drone recently – see Putting an eye in the sky on Cheshire’s hunts).
They asked us for radios and body cams and we were happy (on our supporters’ behalf of course) to get their request sorted out as quickly as possible.
“We’d like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to Protect the Wild for their generous donation of 4 new radios and 4 new body cameras, this allows us two of the most important things in the field: communication and personal safety.
They’ve been put to good use already and will continue to serve us well!
What would we give to know what this poor horse is thinking about the man playing dress-up and blowing a horn into sensitive ears…
We will also be recruiting very soon, so if you live around Greater Manchester, Liverpool or Cheshire, please get in touch with us via DM and we’ll get you out in the field saving lives and p***ing off scum!”


We are able to give much-needed equipment like these radios and bodycams to monitors and organisations because of paid subscriptions on our Substack. While all our online content is free, any money we do receive from paid subscriptions is ringfenced and used to put ‘eyes in the field’. It’s a simple idea – but the best ideas usually are! If you’d like to know more we have explained it all in our post “What do we mean by “Empowering people to protect British wildlife“?

With your support we will be giving out many more pieces of equipment to groups over the coming months and years. And we will always keep you up to date with how your support is directly helping wildlife!

If you’re an individual or organisation working in the field and would like our support, please apply to our fund.  Our T&Cs are here and use the online application form on the same page. We’d love to hear from you.