
Cottesmore Hunt’s masked thugs arrested

Leicestershire & Rutland Rural Policing Team at Cottesmore Hunt thugs arrest and removal of vehicles

After weeks of violently harassing hunt saboteurs, some of the Cottesmore Hunt’s hired gang of thugs have been arrested by Leicestershire Police. On Saturday 2 March, Northants Hunt Sabs wrote: “We are currently sabbing the criminal Cottesmore Hunt in Wymondham which has seen the police turn up in force to arrest their hired thugs!” Meanwhile, […]

HARROWING: Cottesmore Hunt masked thugs attack vehicle with hammer

The notorious Cottesmore Hunt has struck again, using yet more violence to try to scare off Northants Hunt Saboteurs. The sabs’ account of the attack, which took place on 13 January 2024, is harrowing. This new incident involved “ten plus” masked thugs attacking the sabs’ vehicle and trying to gain access to the sabs themselves. […]

Cottesmore Hunt’s hired thugs violently attack hunt sabs

The Cottesmore Hunt has reached a new low, hiring thugs to violently attack hunt saboteurs. The hunt is resorting to desperate measures, mistakenly thinking that such tactics will scare off hunt saboteurs once and for all. Northants Hunt Saboteurs posted a video of the attack on social media, and the incident has now made mainstream […]

Cottesmore Hunt rider who kicked and punched horse due to stand trial

Disgraced hunter and ex-primary school teacher Sarah Moulds is due to stand trial on 22 August 2023. She was filmed hitting and kicking a horse, and is charged with two offences under the Animal Welfare Act. Moulds was a field rider with the Cottesmore Hunt on 6 November 2021. Her horse, Bruce, wandered a few […]

Sam Jones of the Cottesmore Hunt pleads not guilty to assault and illegal hunting

Cottesmore huntsman tramples hunt sab

Sam Jones, huntsman of the notorious Cottesmore Hunt, has plead not guilty to assault. Jones appeared at Leicester Magistrates’ Court on 11 August. Police had charged him in July with common assault after his horse leapt a fence while a sab was standing on the other side. As a result, the horse hit the saboteur. […]

Cottesmore huntsman Sam Jones charged with assault

Cottesmore huntsman tramples hunt sab

Cottesmore huntsman Sam Jones has finally been charged by the police after he trampled a hunt saboteur with his horse. The incident took place on 11 February 2023. Jones was arrested on 14 February, and was finally charged with common assault on 14 July. He will appear in Leicester Magistrates’ Court on 11 August. The […]

BREAKING: Cottesmore huntsman arrested after sab is trampled

Cottesmore huntsman tramples hunt sab

On 14 February 2023, police arrested Cottesmore huntsman Sam Jones after he trampled a hunt saboteur with his horse. The incident took place on 11 February. Both Hertfordshire and Northants Hunt Saboteurs were on the ground, trying to prevent the hunt from making a kill that day. They witnessed foxes being chased, hares bolting, a […]

The Cottesmore Hunt car attack and other violence

hunt sab knocked down by supporter of Cottesmore Hunt

The Cottesmore Hunt car attack and other violence – has failure to act given green light to violent hunt supporters? Footage shared by Northants Hunt Saboteurs shows a car hitting a member of its group during a Cottesmore Hunt meet on 25 October. The group has since told local paper Leicestershire Live that the struck […]

Hunt violence at sickening levels, new report shows

violence in hunting protect the wild report

Protect the Wild recently published “Hunting: A Case for Change“, a 50-page report that offers a thorough examination of hunting practices during the 2022/23 season. The report focuses predominantly on fox, hare, and deer hunting in England and Wales. Author Glen Black utilised a combination of online data from anti-hunting groups, public reports, and activist […]

Permissive path closed because of Quorn Hunt trespass

Woodside Farm in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, has closed a permissive footpath after the Quorn Hunt, along with the Cottesmore Hunt, trespassed on the farm’s land. A permissive path is a path over private land, voluntarily opened to the public by a land owner, who can withdraw access at any time (for more information see our […]

Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt men arrested after attacks on sabs

Hunt saboteurs' cars are targeted by BSV thugs. Photo by North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs

Dorset Police Rural Crime Team has arrested two men associated with the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale (BSV) Hunt. The arrests come after a number of attacks on hunt saboteurs. The police stated: “After a detailed investigation into reports of assault and thefts at the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale hunt; we can now confirm that we […]

Life before death: Lewes Council chooses food bank over fox hunting

Southdown and Eridge Hunt parade through Lewes on Boxing Day

The Southdown and Eridge Hunt has failed to get permission from Lewes Council to close a road for its annual Boxing Day parade. The reason? An animal welfare campaigner is closing the road for the community. The hunt parades through Lewes town centre every year. It had applied for the road closure on Lewes High […]

Hunter arrested after attacking saboteur with a shovel

A terrierman for the Weston and Banwell with West Somerset Vale Hunt has been arrested by the police after a public appeal for his location. The search began after the man attacked a hunt saboteur with a shovel on 18 November. Avon and Somerset Police announced: “A man has been arrested as part of an […]

JAILED: Fox hunter given 18 months for almost killing saboteur


On 9 November, fox hunter Chris Mardles, 26, former whipper-in of the Pytchley with Woodland Hunt, was sentenced to 18 months in prison at Nottingham Crown Court. He had pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm after trampling a hunt saboteur with his horse. The attack occurred in September 2020. The saboteur suffered life-threatening injuries and […]

Hunt attacks homes and vehicles of sabs and monitor

Hunt saboteurs' cars are targeted by BSV thugs. Photo by North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs

North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs reported this week that two female saboteurs have been attacked and their cameras were stolen. Homes and vehicles were also targeted. Images were released of the damage done to a hunt monitor’s silver car and to a van belonging to the hunt sabs.  The sabs are asking for help to raise […]

Judge hands hit-and-run hunt supporter a suspended sentence

hunt sab knocked down by supporter of Cottesmore Hunt

Angela Jarrom, who ran a hunt saboteur down in October 2022, pleaded guilty on 15 June. But the sab that was hit said her sentence will do little to cool acts of violence at hunt meets. Jarrom targetted Lisa Jaffray during a meet of the Cottesmore Hunt on 25 October 2022. After spotting Lisa, Jarrom […]

Hunt Havoc and Violence

Hunt Havoc and Violence It isn’t just wildlife and hounds who are victims of hunting. Monitoring hunts can be a dangerous task, and people who oppose them are often risking their lives. Hunt saboteurs are prime targets for violent hunt thugs because it is their footage, as well as their eye witness accounts, which expose […]

Why not strengthen the Hunting Act?

Why not strengthen the Hunting Act? A new Bill? Why not strengthen the Hunting Act instead? We need a proper ban on hunting, which is why we commissioned Advocates for Animals to help us campaign for a new law – The Hunting of Mammals Bill. But why not work to strengthen the existing legislation? Protect […]

Hunter pleads guilty after trampling a hunt sab


Hunter Chris Mardles has pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm after trampling a sab with his horse. Mardles was the whipper-in of the Pytchley with Woodland Hunt when he injured the sab in September 2020. Mel Broughton, a member of Northants Hunt Saboteurs, suffered from a collapsed lung, six broken ribs, a broken collar bone […]

Hunt master caught on camera ‘thrashing’ a hound with his whip

George Pullen and huntsman's whip

Mendip Hunt Saboteurs published video that showing a hunt master that “thrashed” a hound with a whip. And it’s a cruel reminder of how much care and respect some hunts show the animals they’re supposed to care for and respect. The group said the master in question was George Pullen, a master of the Mendip […]

Leicestershire Police can’t decide whether it has powers to stop illegal hunting

Hunt saboteurs were out in numbers on Saturday 18 February, monitoring and sabbing the Cottesmore Hunt. The sabs witnessed the hunt chasing a fox in full view of Leicestershire police. Following the event, the police stated to Protect The Wild that officers had no powers on the ground to intervene and stop the hunt. Northants […]

Lewis Hamilton-fronting car company sponsoring fundraisers for hunts

Car manufacturer INEOS Automotive is sponsoring point-to-point horse races to show its support for the “countryside community”. The catch? They are organised by and raise money for criminal hunting. INEOS Automotive started its partnership with the Point-to-Point Authority in November 2021. The promotional material at the time said the car manufacturer was sponsoring the Mixed […]

Whipper-in convicted of kidnapping fellow hunt member’s sheep

Whipper-in Hartley Crouch looks directly into the camera, held by a sab with Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs

Northamptonshire Police said on 17 January that courts had found Hartley Crouch guilty of theft after stealing and killing a sheep. The incident occurred on 13 March 2022. Crouch was, at the time, a whipper-in for the Pytchley with Woodland Hunt. The police stated that Crouch had taken the sheep from another member of the […]

Another public landowner has just wised up to hunting’s criminal activities

Badger at the entrance to a sett

North Yorkshire Moors National Park Authority (NYMNPA) recently announced that hunts are no longer welcome on Levisham Estate. The move comes after hunt saboteurs caught terriermen digging out a badger sett on the property. East Yorkshire Coast Hunt Sabs said on 4 December that NYMNPA had decided to “not… allow hunting to resume on the […]

Police investigation launched into footage of hunting hounds killing a fox

A rider and terrierman stand with a pack of hunting hounds that have just killed a fox.

Police confirmed they are investigating footage published online that appears to show hounds killing a fox. The incident occurred at Charleton Horethorne, Somerset, during a meet of the Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt. Police investigation On 26 November, hunt monitor group Wildlife Crime Action published a video showing hounds huddled together, ragging something on the […]

Exposed: tax-payer funded covid grants given to hunts

covid grants for hunts

Protect the Wild expose tax-payer funded covid grants given to hunts   “Families across the country are suffering incredible hardship and having to make tough sacrifices due to Covid-19. Why are hard-working people now being made to subsidise hunts to the tune of ÂŁ160,000?” Back in 2020 Protect the Wild sent out Freedom of Information […]

‘Stop and search’ of monitor at Boxing Day parade raises serious questions

At the Abergavenny Boxing Day Parade of the Monmouth Hunt, Gwent Police made a formal ‘stop and search’ of a monitor. Helen was standing quietly on the side of a busy high street that at the time was almost empty but would soon be filled with people. The police claimed to be acting on ‘information […]

Sarah Moulds case shines a light on speciesism in the UK

Sarah Moulds

Cottesmore Hunt rider Sarah Moulds was found not guilty on 25 August for punching and kicking her horse Bruce. Her defence argument, and the subsequent verdict, once again highlights the speciesism that is rampant in society. As I already covered in a recent article, speciesism is where someone sees one species as superior to others, […]

Who’s got the ‘begging bowl’ out now?

Two recent incidents point to a yawning void in the world of hunting. First, fintech company SumUp put hunting on its shit list, meaning hunts can no longer use it as a transaction method. Second, the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) published a video pleading for new members. Together, they expose the hunting industry’s financial […]

Punching a horse is atrocious, but so is murdering fox cubs

Most people reading Protect the Wild already know this, but it bears being said. The media circus around Sarah Moulds highlights Britain’s broken relationship with other animals. When Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs filmed Moulds attacking a horse in November 2021, the footage went far and wide. Not only across anti-hunting social media but across the headlines […]

Assault and the Law

Assault and the Law Sabs, monitors, and other activists/campaigners often run the risk of ‘assault‘, especially when out in the field. But what in law is assault? Essentially an ‘offence against the person’, the Sentencing Council says that assault covers a range of actions, from shoving and pushing to using threatening words to a severe […]