I want you to help us bring down the bird shooting industry

If you find yourself reading this, it’s likely you’re anti fox hunting. Maybe you’ve watched our ‘Trail of Lies’ animation or came across one of our undercover investigations. Or perhaps you signed one of our online petitions or donated to a crowd funder. However, what’s less likely is your position on bird shooting and whether […]
PTW Equipment Fund: Cheshire Against Blood Sports

This month Protect the Wild has been pleased to be able to respond to a request from Cheshire Against Blood Sports for body cameras to record evidence and protect them from members and supporters of the Cheshire Hunt – the current home of notorious huntsman and fox killer Ollie Finnegan. We were able to supply […]
Woodcock petition debate: through the looking glass with the shooting lobby

On the 27th of February, Parliament debated petition 619615 ‘Limit the shooting season of Woodcock‘, which was launched by Wild Justice and signed by 107, 916 members of the public. The petition asked that the (so-called) shooting season for Woodcock, a species in serious decline here, should be moved back from 01 October (it starts […]