
Police slap a newly merged hunt with an ‘ASBO’ before it’s even got going

Hertfordshire Constabulary logo and generic hunt scene to illustrate police issuing Puckeridge and Essex Union Hunt a community protection notice

Police in Hertfordshire have slapped the Puckeridge and Essex Union Hunt with a Community Protection Notice (CPN). The requirements of the notice are extensive and will hamper the pack’s week-to-week hunting. On 26 July, Hertfordshire Constabulary announced it had issued a CPN to the Puckeridge and Essex Union Hunt. The stipulations of the notice include […]

VICTORY! Hunting dying out as more hunts forced to merge

As 2022 draws to a close, there’s news that two more hunts are amalgamating. The Puckeridge is merging with the Essex with Farmers and Union for the 2023/2024 season, becoming the new Puckeridge and Essex Union Hunt. This is yet another indication that the hunting industry is struggling. Both hunts have had their own scandals […]