
End Hunting

Protect the Wild is working to end hunting.

We’re fighting for a future where hunting no longer exists.

  • Through our campaigning we are informing the public that hunting still takes place.
  • Through our Support Network and Equipment Fund we are providing equipment to front-line groups.
  • Through our free Protectors of the Wild resource we are putting ‘eyes in the field’ to expose wildlife criminals.
  • With our Hunting of Mammals Bill we aim to consign the hunting of wildlife to the history books.

Fox Hunting

Fox Hunting

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Deer Hunting

Deer Hunting

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Hare Hunting & Coursing

Hare Hunting & Coursing

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Hunting: A Case for Change Report

Hunting: A Case for Change Report

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It has been almost two decades since the passing of the Hunting Act 2004, banning the hunting of wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales.

But hunts continue to operate, creating havoc and breaking the law by chasing and killing wild mammals under the guise of ‘trail hunting’, using loopholes and exemptions in the Hunting Act to evade prosecution.

We’ve launched a campaign for a proper ban on hunting – find out more about The Hunting of Mammals Bill here.