rob pownall richmond marathon 2024

I ran a marathon for wildlife! Thank you for your incredible support :)

Today I ran 26.21 miles for wildlife. It was a gruelling and exhausting experience and at points I didn’t think I would make it but I got there in the end! Even if it did take just over 5 hours it was worth every second of pain for every pound raised for Protect the Wild.

This will probably be the shortest post I ever send out because I am completely exhausted both mentally and physically but I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your incredible support.

Knowing there were so many compassionate people in my corner is what kept me going today and the reason we have managed to raise an incredible £22,829.60 at the time of writing this. These funds will go such a long way in keeping us alive and kicking and I am so appreciative for your continued support.

If you’re reading this and would like to chip in a few quid post-marathon you can still add to the fundraiser here.

I will never back down in the ongoing fight to protect animals.

Best wishes,
