North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs reported this week that two female saboteurs have been attacked and their cameras were stolen. Homes and vehicles were also targeted. Images were released of the damage done to a hunt monitor’s silver car and to a van belonging to the hunt sabs. The sabs are asking for help to raise funds to repair the vehicles.
Police are requesting that the monitor is not named in case the thugs from the hunt return. We will respect that request, but make one of our own to the police: take this escalating violence and aggravated harassment seriously for a change and there would be no need for people saving wildlife to hide.
The Attacks
On 6 October the sabs stated:
“The Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt [BSV] went on a rampage last night targeting 2 sabs’ homes, trying doors, smashing car windows and slashing tyres.”
They went on to say:
“Earlier in the week, two female sabs were attacked by three masked men. Their cameras were stolen and they were pushed and shoved. Several 999 calls were made but Dorset Police Rural Crime Team made no effort to attend.”

The car belonging to the monitor which was outside their house when it was vandalised
Successful sabbing
The group was targeted because whenever the BSV has gone out hunting foxes or stags, sabs and monitors have been there, recording their every move and trying to stop them from killing foxes. On 24 August. the hunt was filmed by Dorset Monitor as the BSV hounds tore up a fox that they had just killed.
Writing about the attacks on their property and their members, the sabs said:
“It seems that after six weeks of being constantly sabbed, the masters of the BSV are feeling the pressure and have ordered violence, robbery and criminal damage as an acceptable form of damage limitation.”
Protect the Wild previously wrote:
“There are numerous incidents of the BSV acting illegally, and getting away with it time and time again. Earlier in 2023, North Dorset Sabs filmed BSV hunt staff jumping up and down on a bridge to try to coax a fox out of hiding. The hunt even made national news headlines after hounds chased a new mother fox.
Sabs have also caught the hunt on video pretending to lay an artificial trail directly on the line of a fox, showing that trail hunting really is just a smokescreen for illegal hunting for the BSV.”

The van belonging to North Dorset Hunt Sabs with windows smashed in the violence
One of many
- Northants Hunt Saboteurs. A member was hit by a car during a Cottesmore Hunt meet on 25 October 2022.
- Weymouth Animal Rights. A monitor was hit around the head with an iron bar and left for dead while monitoring the South Dorset Hunt on 20 December 2022.
- Devon County Hunt Saboteurs. A sab was hit by a quad bike on Boxing Day 2022. It happened during a meet of the Eggesford Hunt.
- Cheshire Monitors. A volunteer was charged at by former huntsman Chris Woodward on his horse on 7 January 2023.
- An independent monitor. He was attacked by supporters of the South Dorset Hunt, who shot him with a ball bearing, fired from a catapult, in January 2023.
- Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs. A member was trampled by Cottesmore huntsman Sam Jones on his horse on 14 February 2023.
These are just a few examples; the list goes on and on.
Donate to North Dorset Hunt Sabs
The hunt saboteurs remain undeterred by the recent attacks on them. They stated:
“Sabs will remain undeterred by these mindless acts of violence, and as history as shown, violence never makes sabs go away. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.
We will continue to sab the BSV and will not be put off by this.”
The sabs have set up a crowdfunder to try to raise funds to repair their vehicles. Without functioning vehicles, they can’t get out to save foxes, so this crowdfunder is essential. Please donate here if you can.
- Featured image and additional images courtesy of the hunt monitor and North Dorset Hunt Sabs