Avon Vale

Boxing Day hunting protests near you

It’s that time of year again: hunters are getting ready to block our town centres in their ridiculous attire. Their supporters will cheer at them, get drunk, and pick fights, the local police will stand by and watch, and the hunts will then head off fuelled by vanity and alcohol to terrorise foxes, hares and deer in the nearby countryside.

Boxing Day is the biggest day of the year for hunts across the country. It’s an important publicity stunt for them: their chance to try to sway public opinion, to convince us all that they are harmless citizens, upholding ‘rural traditions’.

Of course, most of us recognise hunters for the law-breaking killers that they actually are.

Action Against Foxhunting is encouraging everyone to monitor their hunts this Boxing Day. The group says:

“If you want to object to a meet, you will need evidence. Collect it THIS YEAR and spend the next year challenging the hunt – try to get it stopped for NEXT YEAR. We do support protests, but if you want to get good evidence it is best to stand back and just record and record and record.”

Here is a list of 2023’s Boxing Day protests and their organisers.

If your protest is missed from the list, please email anytime before the event and we will add it (we may miss social media requests so please do email us).




Kimblewick Hunt: 11am, The Full Moon pub, Hawridge Common, Hawridge, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 2UH
Organiser: Action Against Foxhunting
See here.



Cury Hunt: 10.30am, Wetherspoons, Coinagehall St, Helston, Cornwall TR13 8ER
Organiser: West Cornwall Hunt Sabs
See here.



Tiverton Hunt: Pannier Market, Market Square, Off Fore Street, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6NH
Organiser: Local Independents For Tiverton
See here.

Spooners & West Dartmoor Hunt: 10.45am, Beford Square, Tavistock PL19 0AE Devon
Organiser: Plymouth and West Devon Hunt Sabs
See here.



Ledbury Hunt: 9.45am, Ledbury town centre, Herefordshire
Organiser: Herefordshire Hunt Sabs
See here.

Herefordshire & Clifton Hunt: 9.45am, Bromyard, Herefordshire
Organiser: Herefordshire Hunt Sabs
See here.



Kent Hounds: 10am, Elham Village Hall, Canterbury Road, Elham, Kent CT4 6SX
Organiser: East Kent Sabs. The sabs are also organising lifts to the protest
See here.



Cotley Hunt: 10.15am, Essex House Car Park, Essex Close, Chard, Somerset TA20 1PZ
Organiser: Devon Against Hunting
See here.

Weston and Banwell Harriers: 10am, The Square, Axbridge, Somerset BS26 2AP
Organiser: Somerset Sabs
See here.

Mendip Farmers Hunt: 10.15am, Priddy Green, Priddy, Somerset BS5 3BB
Organiser: Mendip Hunt Sabs
See here.



Waveney & Norfolk Harriers: 10.45am, Buttercross, Market Place, Bungay, NR35 1AP
Organiser: Action Against Animal Cruelty – East Anglia
See here.



Southdown and Eridge Hunt: 9.30am, Lewes High Street, East Sussex BN7 2AF
Organiser: Brighton Hunt Saboteurs & Action Against Foxhunting
See here.

Followed by:

Wheelbarrow run event to raise funds for Lewes Foodbank:
11am, Lewes High Street, East Sussex BN7 2AF
Organiser: Action Against Foxhunting
See here.



Sinnington Hunt: 10.30am, outside the Black Swan pub, Market Place, Kirkbymoorside, Yorkshire YO62 6AA
Organiser: Action Against Foxhunting
See here.

Holderness Hunt: 11am, Beverley Westwood, Beverley, HU17 Yorkshire
Organiser: Hull Wildlife Protectors and Hull Animal Rights Team
See here.




Monmouth Hunt: The Angel Hotel, 15 Cross Street, Abergavanney, Monmouthshire NP7 5EN
Organiser: South Wales Sabs
See here.



If you feel like spontaneously organising a protest near you, the Countryside Alliance has made this handy map of Boxing Day hunting parades!