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GUILTY! Another hunt supporter convicted of assault after twice punching saboteur

Marc Birney, a supporter of the Pytchley with Woodland Hunt, has been convicted of assault by beating after he attacked a North London Hunt Saboteur.

The sabs reported:

“Hunt supporter Birney, who was banned from driving after being convicted of drug driving in August 2023, launched the cowardly attack on our member as we disrupted illegal fox hunting by the Pytchley with Woodland Hunt at Bisbrooke, Northants, on 18th March 2023.
Birney, who failed to appear in court for a second time, will be summonsed to appear for sentencing in October.”

Just minutes before the trial began, Birney’s partner sent a message to the court saying that he could not attend because he had heart failure.

Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Sabs were also on the ground on the day of the incident. They provided crucial evidence needed for the case. The sabs wrote:

“Whilst assisting North London Hunt Saboteurs, Marc Birney executed a targeted, violent attack on one of their Saboteurs. We filmed the assault and further details such as accomplices and their vehicle, then gave a full statement to police…

While this may have occurred out of our county, let this still serve as a warning to local hunts – we will gather the evidence that puts you in court and we will turn up again and again to ensure you are found guilty of your crimes.”

Punched in the jaw

During the incident, 43-year-old Birney got out of a vehicle and punched the sab in the jaw twice while he was sitting in his car. The sab told the court:

“A car pulled up in front of us with a masked man. Mr Birney got out of the car. He walked around to the driver’s door. He knocked on the window and said ‘knock, knock’. He then knocked my wing mirror back.

“I wound the window down to move it back. He snatched my sunglasses off my head and made contact with my head. Then he punched me twice in my jaw, here, (pointing to the right hand side of his face). I felt a sharp pain and the area swelled up 24 hours afterwards.”

Yet another convicted of assault

At Protect the Wild, writing about hunters and their supporters assaulting saboteurs is becoming an all-too-regular occurrence. In the last four weeks alone we have reported on the following incidents:

Support the hunt sabs

Hunt saboteurs on the ground are foxes’ first – and often only – line of defence against hunters. Putting their bodies on the line, they’re facing attacks from hunters and their supporters far too often.

You can support North London Sabs, who were on the receiving end of Birney’s violence, and you can support Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Sabs, who ensured that Birney was convicted. Donate to North London Hunt Saboteurs here and to Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Saboteurs here.