Support Protect the Wild at no cost to you!
Have you heard of Easyfundraising?
It's an online platform where every time you shop a percentage of the sale is given to your chosen 'good cause' at no extra cost to you! Of course we'd love it if you picked us!
The process is very simple.
Create an account (for free), download the app, and when you're doing your weekly food shop, changing car insurance, buying presents for loved ones, or even treating yourself to a take-away as long as you shop via easyfundraising we get a small donation. And they quickly add up!
Over 8000 major brands - from Argos and Asda to Amazon and Go Compare! - are part of the Easygiving setup!
The average person who uses Easyfundraising can generate £30 a year for their chosen cause! Just imagine that £30 multiplied hundreds or even thousands of times!
Imagine how much we could do if more of our supporters were to create an Easyfundraising account!
"Donations might seem small but they soon add up! Within our first few months on the Easyfundraising platform Protect the Wild supporters raised so much we were placed in the top 50% of ALL the good causes that have joined up!
We use the donations raised to help run campaigns, create animations, produce more content - even give away grants to help 'empower people to protect British wildlife'. Thank you so much each and every one of you."
Charlie Moores
Protect the Wild Head of Operations and Easyfundraising user