Veganic farmer makes clear Portman Hunt not welcome

Laurence Candy’s farm was certified to Biocyclic Vegan Standards in 2022. He’s already taken a principled stance against animal farming. Now he’s made clear that hunting is not welcome on his land either, and he has contacted the Portman Hunt to say so. Candy is the owner of Northwood Farm, which has gained publicity in […]
Foxhounds continue to be put in danger by hunts

In the last week, several incidents have highlighted the persistent risks foxhounds face during hunting with them repeatedly placed in dangerous situations. Despite claiming to care deeply for their hounds, hunts often demonstrate little regard for their safety. On February 8th, North London Hunt Saboteurs (Sabs) filmed a troubling scene involving the Thurlow huntsman. The […]
Animal Cruelty Charges: Ex-Essex & Suffolk Huntsman pleads guilty

Ex-Essex & Suffolk Huntsman Sam Staniland plead guilty to three animal cruelty charges under the Animal Welfare Act at Ipswich Magistrates Court on 26 February. He is due to be sentenced on 10 April at Norwich Crown Court. The judge said that “all sentencing options” would “be open”. Staniland pleaded guilty to acting unlawfully during […]