GUILTY: Wynnstay Hunt security guard convicted of racial abuse

A security guard working for the notorious Wynnstay Hunt pleaded guilty in court on 15 July. He was charged after racially abusing a hunt saboteur, which is a hate crime. Anthony Williams was one of the Wynnstay’s hired thugs on 6 January 2024. Cheshire Hunt Saboteurs reported that Williams acted like the Incredible Hulk. He […]
The BHSA’s fudged figures expose it as just another smokescreen

Oliver Hughes, managing director of the British Hound Sports Authority (BHSA), claimed there are about 12,000 days of trail hunting a year and that most take place “without incident”. However, data gathered by activists and analysed by Protect the Wild undermines this statement. The results point to an open secret about the BHSA. In an […]