Cotswold Hunt suspended after fox is buried alive in a sack

The British Hound Sports Association has suspended the Cotswold Hunt after a fox was bundled into a bag and buried alive. Harrowing footage, captured by Cirencester Illegal Hunt Watch on Saturday 18 March, was shown on Channel 4 News. A hunt saboteur, known as Magpie, told the news channel: “As I got down to about […]
Fernie Hunt: Magistrates find huntsman not guilty of illegal fox hunting

Leicester magistrates found a huntsman of the Fernie Hunt not guilty of illegally hunting a fox. The verdict came after the prosecution was unable to prove intent. BBC News reported that magistrates in Leicester found William Hanson not guilty on 28 March. Hanson is huntsman for the Fernie Hunt. He was charged in June 2022 […]
VICTORY! Wiltshire Police’s Rural Crime Team will no longer employ fox hunters

Hunt saboteurs have claimed a victory after Wiltshire Police announced that it has conducted a review into its Rural Crime Team (RCT). The review comes after public outrage at the appointment of police officer Cheryl Knight into the RCT. Knight has several connections to fox hunting, including field riding with the Beaufort Hunt, as well […]