Another hunt down! Scotland’s Liddesdale Foxhounds folds

As 2024 comes to a close, Glasgow Hunt Saboteurs announced some great news: the Liddesdale Foxhounds has folded! The sabs reported on the Hunt Saboteurs Association website: “Little is known about the elusive Liddesdale Foxhounds despite them being one of the oldest fox hunts in Scotland. However, we do know that the Hunting with Dogs […]
Scotland: Jed Forest Hunt kills fox in front of sabs

Hunting with dogs is, supposedly, banned in Scotland. Hunts, however, continue to sidestep the country’s 2023 legislation. The Labour government is considering new hunting legislation in England and Wales: it needs to take note of the loopholes that hunts are using to continue killing. On 9 November 2024, Glasgow Hunt Saboteurs witnessed a fox kill […]
HUNTING BAN: Labour must learn from Scotland’s mistakes

It was a seemingly momentous victory when Scotland banned hunting with dogs. One year on, its legislation is failing wildlife. The Labour government has promised to properly ban hunting too – but it needs to learn from its neighbour’s mistakes. Campaigners described it as a “landmark moment” when, late in the evening on 24 January […]
GUILTY! Scotland terrierman convicted of interfering with badger sett

Hunting-related court convictions are becoming a very regular occurrence! This time, a Scottish terrierman has been found guilty at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, Fife, for interfering with a badger sett. 51-year-old Dylan Boyle from the Berwickshire and Fife Hunts was convicted on 13 September, despite pleading not guilty to two charges of digging and blocking the […]
New evidence strengthens claims hunts bypassing Scotland’s recent anti-hunting laws

Scotland’s Hunting with Dogs Act came into effect in October 2023. The new legislation replaced the previous Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002 and was intended to close loopholes in that law which hunts had exploited since its inception. However, there is mounting evidence that Scottish hunts have found loopholes to exploit in the new […]
Huntsman charged under Scotland’s Hunting With Dogs Act

Matthew Wilkinson, huntsman of the Jed Forest Hunt, has made history as the first man to be charged under Scotland’s Hunting With Dogs Act. A second man, David Every of the Berwickshire Hunt, was arrested then released while the police make further enquiries. The Hunting With Dogs (Scotland) Bill became an Act in March 2023, […]
Scotland’s hunting ban will finally be enforced

Scotland’s anti-hunting activists are celebrating as the government’s hunting ban will finally be enforced from 3 October. The Hunting With Dogs (Scotland) Bill was passed in January 2023, and it became an Act on 7 March 2023. But despite this, saboteurs have been catching hunters pursuing foxes red-handed. This is because until now, NatureScot has […]
Scotland has banned fox hunting, so why are cubs being hunted right now?

Scotland passed the Hunting With Dogs (Scotland) Bill in January 2023, and it became an Act on 7 March 2023. So why are saboteurs catching hunters pursuing foxes red-handed? On 6 September, Scottish Borders Hunt Sabs posted footage, taken from their drone, of the Berwickshire Hunt. The video shows some riders surrounding woodland with hounds […]
Hunting ban laws across the UK

There are hunting laws across much of the UK. However, it is a devolved matter so the exact legislation differs between England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. First and foremost, it’s crucial to note that the criminal activity in hunting is the pursuit and not the killing of wildlife. While a dead creature may […]
Hunt sabs ‘ecstatic beyond belief’ as Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire Foxhounds folds

Hunt Saboteurs are celebrating as news comes in that another hunt in Scotland has folded. The Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Foxhounds announced its closure just six weeks after Scotland changed its hunting laws. The country now houses just eight foxhound packs and one minkhound pack. Glasgow Hunt Saboteurs, which has consistently sabbed the hunt, said on […]
VICTORY: Scotland bans hunting with dogs

Late in the evening on 24 January 2023, the Scottish parliament voted to pass the Hunting With Dogs (Scotland) Bill after a seven hour debate. The Act will make it illegal to flush out a wild animal with more than two dogs, effectively ending hunting with hounds as we know it. Campaigners have described it […]