GOOD NEWS! Businesses and council turn their backs on hunts

businesses and council turn their back on hunts and hunting

Protect the Wild has some exciting news! A number of businesses – and a council – have listened to calls to from the public and have made the decision not to host hunts. Public opinion matters. When we tell companies, landowners and councils what we think about their support of hunting, we can have a […]

DENIED: Council rejects Boxing Day parade for Dunston Harriers

Dunston harriers

Wymondham Town Council in Norfolk has rejected a request from the Dunston Harriers to hold a Boxing Day parade in the town centre this year. Councillors cited various reasons for the decision, including public opposition, damage to the town’s image, and health and safety concerns. The overwhelming feeling amongst those present – councillors and members […]

Dunston Harriers: Magistrates find three members not guilty of illegally hunting a hare

Geoffrey Block, Josh Worthington-Hayes and Lewis Ryland of the Dunston Harriers leave Great Yarmouth Magistrates' Court along with their lawyer Stephen Welford

Great Yarmouth magistrates found three people connected with the Dunston Harriers not guilty of illegal hunting. Geoffrey Block, Josh Worthing-Hayes and Lewis Ryland each faced a Section 1 charge of illegal hunting. The charges date back to 18 January 2022, when a hunt monitor from Norfolk and Suffolk Against Live Quarry Hunting filmed the Dunston […]