Wildlife Rescue and Care

Wildlife across the UK is in need of help.

Over the years, we humans have destroyed the natural habitats that many wild animals call home.

Many animals are hunted or persecuted. Many more are injured on our roads.

This has put an enormous  pressure on the wildlife rescuers and sanctuaries that care for wildlife.

Often working around the clock, they do an incredible job, driven by a passion and love for animals that is inspriring (and not a little humbling).

Protect The Wild is proud therefore to support the incredible individuals, charities, and organisations that rescue, rehabilitate, and release injured, sick, and orphaned wildlife.

They are heroes on the front line, protecting the wild day in and day out!

Animal Rescues we're proud to have supported

Charlie's Place Animal Sanctuary

Run by Claire and Will, Charlie’s Place Animal Sanctuary is a small grass-roots animal sanctuary set on a plot of land in the Peak District which (to quote a flyer we picked up) gives “a forever home to animals in need“.

The sanctuary takes in everything from wild animals like blackbirds, pigeons, foxes and hedgehogs (the sanctuary is looking after twenty-five of the latter at the moment) to unwanted donkeys, chickens, and ducks. The Sanctuary even recently rehabbed and returned to the wild a young Peregrine which had been caught in netting used by a local football club to stop balls going into the main road!

Protect the Wild visited Charlie’s Place in August 2023 – read the story here.

Secret World Animal Rescue

Thanks to our supporters, Protect the Wild has been delighted to be able to donate to a wildlife rescue that is doing fantastic work in the south of England: Secret World Animal Rescue.

Based in Somerset, Secret World Animal Rescue has rescued on average 5000 animals every year since it was set up in 1992. Staff and volunteers work tirelessly to rehabilitate everything from foxes, badgers and Harvest Mice to birds of prey, Magpies and gulls – no animal is too small or too large or more or less important than any other, and all receive a huge amount of dedicated care from a team of trained animal carers and vet nurses with a strong commitment to providing medication, veterinary care and time for recovery.

Read the story here.

Ren's Rescue

Ren’s Rescue is an animal rescue based in the Holderness area of East Yorkshire. The charity specialises in helping a wide variety of wildlife, particularly foxes, badgers, gulls, pigeons, deer, wild rabbits & hares, and other birds.

In 2022 the charity were awarded a grant from Protect the Wild for a thermal imaging monocular. Speaking to us beforehand, the group said:

“One of the main challenges we face is locating injured animals once they have been notified to us by a member of the public. We usually have a rough idea of the area the animal is in, but due to buildings, undergrowth and the like are unable to find them and get them help.

The animal, usually a fox, is obviously doing their best to hide, and must be terrified hearing us stumbling around trying to find them, thinking we mean them harm.

The solution is to capture them as quickly as possible and to this end we are seeking funding for a thermal imaging device which will help us see through the vegetation and buildings.”

Ukraine Rescue Mission

Stuart, former hunt sab and founder of Roaming Sabs quit his job and gave up his life in the UK to save animals in one of the most dangerous animal rescue efforts in history.

In 2022 PTW gave a grant to Stuart, to purchase a vehicle in order to rescue and re-home animals in Ukraine. He has been working with a group called Breaking the Chains who are taking on ‘one of the largest and most dangerous animal rescue efforts in history’

Read the full story here.

The Fox Rescuers

Since our inception, Protect The Wild have supported the brilliant team at The Fox Rescuers with major fundraising efforts. Our founder Rob took on two big challenges, cycling from London to Brighton and then even further from London to Southampton.

Over £5,000 was raised which helped improve the facilities used by the rescue.

How can we help?

If you work for an animal rescue and have a specific project or item that needs funding, please reach out to us and we’ll see how we can help.