Hunt Parades
How better to celebrate Christmas than blocking town centres and having drunken hunt supporters intimidating local people…?
Councillors need to know the risks they are taking – and what laws they might be allowing to be broken – if they allow hunts to parade in their parishes, towns, or districts.
Protect the Wild is working with Action Against Foxhunting (AAF) to persuade a number of selected councils to stop hunts parading in their council area on Boxing or New Year’s Day.
It is time that councils stood up to wildlife criminals!
We are sending letters to twenty-two different councils (so far, we may add more) – from Cornwall and Kent to Somerset and North Yorkshire – reminding them of their legal duties and pointing out how hunts typically break the law when they parade on Boxing or New Year’s Day.
Councils allow different activities to take place, so we asked Advocates for Animals (a legal firm specialising in using the law to protect animals) to write the letters for us.
Click any of the boxes below and you will be taken to a specifically-written letter you can send to the councils you want to tell #NoHuntParades!
The more letters we send the more each council is going to take notice – so please click away…
Thank you.
PLEASE NOTE – Thank you for signing. A total of 20,000 signatures were collected. The Boxing Day petitions are now closed and any connected data has been deleted from our servers. We will be writing a post looking at the campaign in the New Year.