Hunt Havoc and Mini's Law
In January 2018, hounds from the East Sussex and Romney Marsh Hunt tore through a cat sanctuary in Hastings. The incident scattered dozens of cats, more than 20 of whom weren’t recovered.
This was not an isolated incident, There have been many incidents involving hunts causing carnage to domestic animals and the public. A Protect the Wild report found that as of March 2021 there was on average one reported incident every two weeks involving hunts terrorising domestic animals or livestock.
But one of the most notorious incidents of this form of ‘hunt havoc’ involved Mini the cat. Mini’s killing is a prime example of why there has to be a proper ban on hunting: to stop hunts running amok in residential areas and endangering or even killing much loved companion animals.
On 6th March 2021 Mini the cat was killed by out-of-control hunting hounds outside her home in west Cornwall. After the mauling, the huntsman was filmed throwing Mini’s lifeless body over a neighbour’s fence in a cowardly attempt to hide the evidence.
Legislation must be introduced to prohibit any activity involving hunting hounds, such as trail hunts and hound exercise, taking place in a residential area or any other public place. This was why we launched the Mini’s Law campaign to ensure safety to the public and animals from all hunting activities.
Our campaign to develop a proper ban on hunting through the Hunting of Mammals Bill carries on that important work.

Campaign timeline
6th March 2021
29th April 2021
29th October 2021
10th December 2021
25th April 2022
25th April 2022
76% agree hunting in residential areas should be illegal...
A poll conducted by Survation on behalf of Protect the Wild found that 76% of those surveyed think ‘conducting hunting activities in residential areas should be illegal’.
12% of respondents said they believed hunting activities in residential areas should be legal with the remaining 12% stating they didn’t know.
The question was posed in relation to the Mini’s Law campaign backed by Protect the Wild.

Conducting hunting activities in residential areas should be illegal
Conducting hunting activities in residential areas should not be illegal
Don’t know
A Proper Ban on Hunting
The Mini’s Law campaign was seen by literally millions of people and shone a light on the reckless and arrogant behaviour of not just the Western Hunt but on many other incidents involving hunts and domestic animals.
The UK Government petition provided the vehicle for an important conversation to be started and a debate in Parliament in 2022.
While the debate may not have resulted in immediate legislative change it has utlimately led to the development of our proper ban on hunting – the Hunting of Mammals Bill.
When passed into law our Bill will ensure that hunts can not rampage through residential areas terrorising and killing companion animals and bringing so much heartbreak to families.