Protect the Wild have launched a new short animation ‘End Hunting on MoD (Ministry of Defence) Land’ featuring the voice of beloved naturalist and broadcaster Chris Packham.
The 45 second film is backed up with a petition demanding that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) stops issuing ‘trail hunting’ licences to hunts wanting to take advantage of the huge areas of land the MoD control.
#NoDefence – End Hunting on MoD land now!
Created in partnership with Ben Sinclair, the powerful animation shows, as Chris states in his voiceover, that “allowing trail hunting is allowing fox hunting“.
Following the leaked Hunting Office webinars which proved that ‘trail hunting’ is nothing more than a smokescreen for illegal fox hunting most major landowners refuse to allow hunts on their land.
The Ministry of Defence however is standing alone in supporting illegal fox hunting on the land they manage, including on Salisbury Plain one of Europe’s most important grasslands and acknowledged as “rich in wildlife and archaeological wonders”.by the military themselves.
In fact, defence chiefs issued licences to 23 hunts to ‘trail hunt’ on 10 of the Armed Forces’ sites during the 2021/2022 season alone!
And all the while hunt monitors and hunt sabs are routinely witnessing the likes of the notorious Royal Artillery Hunt hunting illegally on MoD land using MoD-issued trail hunting licences.
Every signature counts!
The animation is backed up by a petition aimed at the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, the DIO.
The DIO are the ‘estate expert for defence’ who manage the land the MoD operates on.
Signed by nearly 10,000 people within its first two days, the petition has a clear message: Stop issuing ‘trail hunting’ licences and end hunting on MoD land once and for all.
Every signature counts! Together we can end hunting on MoD land. Please sign our petition at ‘End Hunting on MoD Land’.
- If you’d like to learn more about the animation and the background to this campaign please go here.