Survey on Trail Hunting: 2024

Just 18% of the public think hunts are NOT using trail hunting as a smokescreen for 'traditional hunting'...

The poll conducted independently by Survation in August 2024 and commissioned on behalf of Protect the Wild found that even after twenty years of fierce lobbying by hunts to convince the public they are trail hunting respondents either don’t believe them or really aren’t sure what to believe!

Only 18% of respondents believe hunts are NOT using trail hunting to get around the 2004 ban on hunting with hounds.

A huge 71% of respondents believe there needs to be stronger legislation...

A second question posed by Survation in August 2024 asked whether respondents believed stronger legislation was needed to protect wildlife from hunts.

Almost three-quarters of respondents say they believe that – despite the Hunting Act 2004 which banned hunting with hounds – legislation does need to be made stronger, showing again that the public do not believe claims by hunts that they are not illegally chasing and killing wildife.

Just 17% of respondents believed the legislation was strong enough – a very similar result to the number that don’t think hunts are using ‘trail hunting’ as a way of continuing to hunt wild animals.

Since the introduction of the 2004 Hunting Act, wildlife has been chased and killed repeatedly by hunts. It is time for real action and permanent bans are the only effective solution.

Protect the Wild will continue to campaign and advocate for legislative change to ensure foxes (and all British wildlife) are given the protection they need. Please see our Proper Ban on Hunting page for more details and our petition to enforce a proper ban.