Charlie Moores - Head of Content

I’m Charlie. I’m a lifelong birder with a passion for all nature.

I’ve been grumbling about the shooting industry as a blogger for decades, but starting working in a more constructive way when I launched Birders Against Wildlife Crime in 2014, and helped develop Hen Harrier Day soon after (I saw my first Hen Harrier back in the mid-1970s and have had a soft spot for the UK’s most heavily-persecuted bird of prey ever since).

My personal philosophy is simple: I am pro-wildlife. Years of experience tells me that there is no ethical or moral justification to shoot or hunt wild animals.

As Head of Content I will do everything I can to ‘protect the wild’ by ending hunting and shooting in the UK, working to the maxim that ‘We don’t aim for what people tell us is realistic, or aim for what people tell us is achievable, we aim for what we want’.