BOXING DAY: Here’s how YOU can gather much needed evidence against hunts

While we’re not wishing the holidays away, it’s a fact that Boxing Day is just around the corner. Hunts all over the country will once again be parading in towns and villages, keen to gather much needed donations and support from the public. Action Against Foxhunting (AAF) has outlined how you can collect evidence against […]

Are Community Protection Warnings worth the paper they’re written on?

West Mercia Police has issued four hunts with Community Protection Warnings (CPWs). Protect the Wild takes a look at what this means, and whether it will protect wildlife where the Hunting Act has failed. On 9 December, Action Against Foxhunting (AAF) announced that the North Shropshire Hunt, South Shropshire Hunt, Wynnstay Hunt and the United […]

‘Hounds were on her straight away’: South Wales sabs report another fox kill

South Wales Hunt Saboteurs reported that Sennybridge Farmers Hunt’s hounds caught and killed a female fox on 14 December. Unfortunately, the incident happened very suddenly, too quickly for foot saboteurs to intervene. But sabs did retrieve her body and ” laid the lovely fox to rest in a peaceful place far, far away from hunt […]