Protecting the Wild Equipment Fund #7: Somerset Badger Monitors

One of the UK’s most charismatic mammals, badgers are also one of the country’s most persecuted. Despite being made illegal in 1835 badger baiting still takes place across the UK. Fox hunts illegally block badger setts to stop foxes hiding underground. And of course since the government began an ‘experiment’ in badger annihilation on behalf […]

Ex-jockey jailed for badger baiting after horrific footage found on phone

Toby the dog, used for badger baiting

23-year-old ex-jockey Brandon Lawlor has been jailed for eight weeks, guilty of badger baiting in a prosecution brought by the RSPCA. Footage found on his phone was described as “absolutely horrific” by the charity. The video was discovered by the police in August 2021, while they were investigating Lawlor for an unrelated offence. The footage […]