Another not guilty verdict: a stark reminder that the Hunting Act is broken

John Holliday

John Holliday, ex-huntsman of the Belvoir Hunt, was found not guilty of illegal hunting on 11 July. His case is a stark reminder that the Hunting Act needs scrapping and replacing with a proper anti-hunting law. Holliday was on trial for killing a fox on 15 January 2022. Nottingham Hunt Saboteurs reported: “The court decided […]

White-tailed Eagle: first chick born in England since 1780

In a remarkable triumph of forward-thinking conservation and persistence, a White-tailed Eagle chick has hatched in England for the first time in more than 240 years. The location of the nest is being kept secret. Once widespread across Great Britain the huge birds of prey were widely persecuted. The last known English pair bred on […]